Zorrocrete 2K011
Zorrocrete 2K011


Zorrocrete 2K011 is a two component ready to use acrylic based waterproof coating system that can be used for water tanks, roof slabs, terraces, balconies, sunshades, sunken toilets retaining wall, basements, swimming pools, etc.

  • Elastomeric Coating with 40-50% elongation
  • DFT.1 mm, four times thicker than ordinary polymer cement coating
  • Factory controlled & prepacked, consistent in quality
  • Easy to apply by brush or in thin trowel applications
  • Protects concrete against water penetration, chloride and carbonation
  • Waterproof for concrete structure
  • Flexible, bridges hairline cracks in concrete & plaster
  • Non- toxic, good for potable water tanks
  • Prebatched, no additional cement, sand and water required to make the slurry

3 kg & 15 kg

Approximately 6 to 7 Sq.ft/kg of mixed material in two coats with a thickness of 1 to 1.2 mm depending on the surface undulations.